New Paper in IEEE TCAS-II
Our paper "Spacetime Frequency-Multiplexed Digital-RF Array Receivers with Reduced ADC Count" has been accepted at IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs.
The paper proposes multidimensional microwave systems that allows the direct RF-to-bits digitization on N antennas using N/M ADCs, where M=2,3,4,... depending on required field of view. This idea makes fully-digital mmW arrays having many elements a step closer as it reduces the burden of data conversation by 50%, 66%, 75%, 80% etc., when number of antennas are large. Unlike in analog-digital hybrid beamforming, where a phased-array combines M channels to a single ADC, the proposed method does not lead to loss of spatial degrees of freedom. However, there is a trade-off in cross-talk due to the linear multiplexing from multidimensional transformations in passive front-ends- that is the price you pay for significantly reduced ADC count.
The authors are Najath Akram, Viduneth Ariyarathne, Soumyajit Mandal, Leo Belostotski, Ted Rappaport, and Arjuna Madanayake.