RF, Analog, and Digital Laboratory for Advanced Signal Processing Circuits at Florida International University


Current projects

1. Project duration: 2017–present

Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Science Office (DSO) via Sub-award from Ocius Technologies LLC

Program Manager: Dr. James Gimlett

Title: STTR Phase-II: Analog Co-Processors for Complex System Simulation and Design

Total budget: $1,510,000

Lead-PI: Arjuna Madanayake, FIU+University of Akron, $900,000

Co-PIs: 1) Dale Mugler, Ocius Technologies; 2) S.I. Hariharan, UA; 3) Soumyajit Mandal, CWRU (sub-award from FIU).

In the process of being transferred to FIU

2. Project duration: 2017–present

Agency: NSF Circuits, Communications and Sensing Systems (CCSS)

Program Manager: Dr. Jenshan Lin

Title: Wideband Multibeam Antenna Arrays: Low-Complexity Algorithms and Analog-CMOS Implementations

Total budget: $403,259

Lead-PI: Arjuna Madanayake, University of Akron, $228,259

Other PIs/CoPIs: 1) Soumyajit Mandal, CWRU; 2) Sirani K. Perera, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (sub-award from FIU).

In the process of being transferred to FIU

3. Project duration: 2017–present

Agency: NSF Circuits, Communications and Sensing Systems (CCSS) SpecEES

Program Manager: Dr. Jenshan Lin

Title: SpecEES: Collaborative Research: Spatially Oversampled Dense Multi-Beam Millimeter-Wave Communications for Exponentially Increased Energy-Efficiency

Total budget: $750,000

Lead-PI: Arjuna Madanayake, University of Akron, $187,500

Successfully transferred and continuing at FIU.

Other PIs: 1) Soumyajit Mandal, CWRU; 2) Xin Wang, Stony Brook University; 3) Ted Rappaport, New York University.

Completed projects

4. Project duration: 2016–present

Agency: NSF CISE

Program Manager: Dr. Tao Li

Title: CI-P: Collaborative Project: Planning for Community Infrastructure to Support Research for Simulating Complex Systems

Total budget: $100,000

Lead-PI: Arjuna Madanayake, University of Akron, $50,003

Other PIs/CoPIs: 1) Soumyajit Mandal, CWRU; 2) S.I. Hariharan, UA.

5. Project duration: 2015–present (COMPLETED)

Agency: NSF CCSS

Program Manager: Dr. Jenshan Lin

Title: Collaborative Research: Arrays, Analog RF 2-D Filters, and Nanostructured Multiferroic Antennas

for MM-wave OAM-Multiplexed Wireless Systems

Total budget: $405,984

Lead-PI: Arjuna Madanayake, University of Akron, $305,994

Other PIs/CoPIs: 1) Ryan Toonen, UA; 2) Yu Zhu, UA; 3) Rashaunda Henderson, University of Texas at Dallas.

6. Project duration: 2014–present

Agency: NSF CCSS

Program Manager: Dr. Jenshan Lin

Title: Collaborative Research: Electronically-Scanned Wideband Digital Aperture Antenna Arrays using Multi-Dimensional Space-Time Circuit-Network Resonance: Theory and Hardware

Total budget: $408,000

Lead-PI: Arjuna Madanayake, University of Akron, $208,000

Other PIs/CoPIs: 1) Xin Wang, Stony Brook University.

7. Project duration: 2015–present

Agency: Office of Naval Research (ONR) STEM Program, sub-award via Tennessee State University (TSU)

Program Manager: Dr. Jason Feser

Title: Embedded Systems Security Education

Total budget: $360,000

Co-PI: Arjuna Madanayake, University of Akron, $180,000

PIs: 1) Nghi Tran 2) Jeffrey Fan, TSU.

8. Project duration: 2012–2016 (COMPLETED)

Agency: NSF Enhancing Access to Radio Spectrum (EARS)

Program Manager: Dr. George Haddad

Title: EARS: Collaborative Research: Enhancing Spectral Access via Directional Spectrum Sensing

Employing 3D Cone Filterbanks: Interdisciplinary Algorithms and Prototypes

Total budget: $549,894

Lead-PI: Arjuna Madanayake, University of Akron, $240,894

Co-PIs: 1) Vijay Devabhaktuni, University of Toledo; 2) Srinivas Vemuru, Ohio Northern University; 3)

Chungseng Xin, Old Dominion University.

Abstract This NSF EARS project proposes a new spectrum sensing architecture combined with joint link scheduling and routing to significantly enhance access to the radio spectrum. Traditional non-directional sensing algorithms do not offer information about the direction of primary and secondary signals, directional information on interference, and information on network node location, and hence significantly limit the potential of cognitive radio technology in terms of spectrum utilization. This project envisions a generalized framework leading to the determination and subsequent utilization of spatio-temporal vacancies in time, frequency, position and direction. New mathematical, hardware, and software algorithms

and techniques will be pioneered toward enabling low-complexity digital radios. Multi-dimensional sensed information will drive the innovation of cross-layer link scheduling and routing schemes aimed at boosting the cognitive radio network performance. The proposed innovations will be accomplished through mathematical formulation and modeling of directional sensing algorithms based on multi-dimensional signal processing concepts. The project will also investigate low-complexity fast algorithms for enabling real-time realization

leading to new types of (i) digital integrated circuits, (ii) new design techniques for cognitive radios, and (iii) highly agile radio frequency component models all leading to an integrated directional spectrum sensor.

9. Project duration: 2016–2017

Agency: DARPA DSO STTR Program via Ocius Technologies LLC.

Program Manager: Dr. Vincent Tang

Title: STTR Phase-I: Analog Co-Processors for Complex System Simulation and Design

Total budget: $150,000

Lead-PI: Arjuna Madanayake, The University of Akron, $90,000

Co-PIs: 1) Dale Mugler, Ocius Technologies; 2) SI Hariharan, UA.

10. Project duration: 2015–2016 (COMPLETED)

Agency: DARPA Microsystems Technology Office (MTO).

Program Managers: Dr. Kenneth Plaks and Stephen Hary (AFRL)

Title: Multi-Beam RF Aperture Arrays using Multiplierless Approximate-FFT

Total budget: $165,002

Lead-PI: Arjuna Madanayake, The University of Akron, $165,002

11. Project duration: 2013–2015 (COMPLETED)

Agency: Office Of Naval Research (ONR) Communications and Networking Technology Division.

Program Managers: Dr. Santanu Das

Title: BAA-14-001: Rectangular Aperture Arrays based on 3-D IIR Space-Time RF-to-Bits Digital Beam Filters

Total budget: $207,791

Lead-PI: Arjuna Madanayake, University of Akron, $207,791

12. Project duration: 2012–2013

Agency: Office Of Naval Research (ONR) Communications and Networking Technology Division.

Program Managers: Dr. Santanu Das

Title: BAA-13-001: Ultra-Wideband Aperture Arrays using Multi-Dimensional DSP

Total budget: $115,234

Lead-PI: Arjuna Madanayake, The University of Akron, $115,234

13. Project duration: 2013 and 2017

Agency: NSF I-Corps Sites program (On-campus)

Program Managers: NA

Title: Two completed I-Corps Sites Programs in two years

Total budget: $5,000

Lead-PI: Arjuna Madanayake, The University of Akron, $5,000


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This research is sponsored by Ocius Technologies via an STTR Phase-2 award from DARPA Defense Science Office (DSO).

[ 1] N. Udayanga, A. Madanayake, S. I. Hariharan, J. Liang, S. Mandal, L. Belostotski, and L. T. Bruton, “A Radio Frequency Analog Computer for Computational Electromagnetics,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), pp. 1–1, 2020.


[2] N. Udayanga, S. I. Hariharan, S. Mandal, L. Belostotski, L. T. Bruton, and A. Madanayake, “Continuous-Time Algorithms for Solving Maxwell’s Equations Using Analog Circuits,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, vol. 66, no. 10, pp. 3941–3954, Oct. 2019.


[3] N. Udayanga, A. Madanayake, S. I. Hariharan, and N. Hawk, “Continuous-Time Analog Computing Circuits for Solving the Electromagnetic Wave Equation,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits Syst. (ISCAS), May 2018, pp. 1–5.


[4] N. Udayanga, A. Madanayake, and S. I. Hariharan, “Continuous-Time Algorithms for Solving the Electromagnetic Wave Equation in Analog ICs,” in Proc. IEEE 60th Int. Midwest Symp. Circuits Syst. (MWSCAS), Aug. 2017, pp. 29–32.